you welcome in Ostricut The world of ostrich, where originality meets sophistication in everything Details of our products!

In 2019, Pearl Company was established as a project that includes several families of ostriches. But soon Pearl, as an ambitious idea, began breeding and producing all kinds of products Today, Al-Naam has turned into one of the largest companies by establishing a giant farm in 2021 and becoming a pioneer in efficiently raising ostriches on a large area.

With 55 acres of land, we cover all aspects of the life cycle Ostrich. From capturing eggs, then collecting eggs, hatching, and producing chicks, through... The stages of fattening with healthy plant feed all the way to the slaughterhouse. To serve meat Ostriches have high quality, luxurious feathers, strong skin, and healthy fat.

In 2022 Ostricut was established as a sister company, responsible for the sale And marketing. It fully markets Pearl's products, ensuring the distribution of our products Effectively and widely.

We combine tradition with innovation, where our traditional skills come together in breeding Ostrich with a modern vision to provide unique and elegant products. Discover a blend of luxury And sustainability in every design. And taste natural beauty at its best.

High Quality & Skilled Craftsmanship

Ostricut products are distinguished by their high quality and attention to detail at every step of production. The company uses premium raw materials and relies on skilled craftsmen to ensure that each product reflects elegance and luxury.

Innovation & Keeping Up With Latest Trends

Ostricut is committed to keeping up with the latest trends in the world of fashion and design, which always places it at the forefront of companies offering modern and innovative products that suit various tastes and needs.

Commitment to Sustainability & Environment

Ostricut is one of the leading companies in the field of sustainability, working to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and using eco-friendly materials in its production. This commitment contributes to building a responsible brand and enhances its value in the eyes of environmentally conscious customers.

In line with Egypt's pursuit of good health and well-being, Ostricut is committed to supporting this goal by providing luxury ostrich meat, which is a healthy food filled with nutrition and nutrients. Ostricut aims to become the first commercial center in Egypt for ostrich breeding and its products.

Quality Under Supervision of Experts

Quality management is meticulously handled by experts at all stages of production to ensure the delivery of high-quality products. Our experts oversee the entire quality process, while professional chefs ensure the best cuts of meat and its products are delivered.

Our Products are Environmentally Friendly

From a passion for breeding and a commitment to being environmentally friendly, we began establishing the Ostricut farm for ostrich breeding, which emits methane gas at a much lower rate compared to cows and sheep.

More than just meat

In 2022, Ostricut expanded through online platforms, offering a wide range of products such as luxury ostrich meat cuts and other meat products, along with cooking tips. The company is currently working on expanding its range to include healthy ostrich oils, skins, feathers, and decorative eggs.